Monday, May 23, 2005 Report on journalism, civil liberties and the war on terror The international federation of journalists (IFJ) and the UK civil liberties group Statewatch have launched a new report on 3 May 2005, World Press Freedom Day.The report examines how democratic states sacrifice civil liberties and free expression in the name of security and concludes: "The war on terrorism amounts to a devastating challenge to the global culture of human rights and civil liberties established almost 60 years ago." According to the press release the report also concludes: -Media and independent journalism suffer in a 'pervasive atmosphere of paranoia' which is leading to dangerous levels of self-censorship -Dissent inside and outside media is being restricted -Fundamental rights to a fair trial are routinely violated -Governments are covertly creating massive databanks for surveillance of their citizens -New international rules are being agreed in a secret process of 'policy laundering' IFJ press release (03.05.2005) Full report (available since 10.05.2005) |